• iconbnsinternationalschool945@gmail.com

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturay - 8 Am to 5 Pm


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School Rules

School Rules

  • Every student must carry his/her identity card to school each day.
  • Students who come to school on their own should arrive at the school before the bell rings.
  • Students are not allowed to bring mobile phone to school. If they do so, it will be confiscated.
  • The morning bell is signal for all to go to the assembly or to their respective classrooms. This should be done promptly and in silence.
  • Changing of classrooms between periods should be done in an orderly manner and silently.
  • Students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. The school uniform should be worn on all working days and for all school functions. Students who are slovenly dressed or not in uniform will be sent home.
  • All boys (except Sikhs) must keep their hair short. Girls must tie their hair neatly with a green band.
  • Non-Sikh boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals. Sikh boys must wear turbans in class IX and above. A patka may be worn only while playing games.
  • Care must be taken of all school property. No student should damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls. Damage done should be reported at once to the class teacher. Recovery for any damage will be made from the concerned students.
  • No books (other than text books or library books), magazines or papers should be brought to the school.
  • Lending or borrowing of money or other articles is prohibited.
  • The school is not responsible for goods. It is not advisable to bring valuable articles (like expensive watches, fountain-pens, items of jewellery) to school.
  • The School reserves the right to suspend students whose progress in studies is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
  • Parents and guardians of all students should contact the teachers on PTA days to note the progress of their wards.
  • Parents and guardians must not visit their wards or teachers without prior permission of the Principal.
  • Students should get their Report Cards signed by their parents/guardians within two days of receipt of Report Cards.
  • The name, class and section of the pupil should be clearly marked on all the belongings of the students. Water bottles, blazer and jerseys should also bear the name of the student.
  • Do not spoil the plants or pluck flowers. Minimal use of polythene bags will be appreciated
  • Students are advised to keep their class room, school buildings and campus as clean as possible, and throw leftovers into the dustbins.
  • Students indulging in aggressive or violent behavior will not be allowed to travel by school bus. They will be picked and dropped to school by their parents.
  • A permission card signed by the teacher (incharge of a period) must be carried by a child going to the clinic for treatment.
  • Students using unfair means during examinations will face disciplinary action as decided by the school authorities.
  • A child who fails twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue his/her studies in the school.
  • student will not cooperate or indulge in any act of violence committed by other students which will harm any student physically or mentally.
  • Students will not do anything to disturb the principles and norms of school discipline.
  • School rules can be changed without prior notice or reason.
  • No attendance would be given to a student during period of suspension.
  • Latecomers, uniform defaulters and children who do not attend to their homework regularly will be sent home
  • A student who uses unfair means during tests will be given zero in the subject and a warning letter. Repetition of the same will result in dismissal.
  • Students using the school bus will maintain discipline in the bus. Bus facilities will be withdrawn where discipline is not properly maintained.
  • A sick child should not be sent to school. In case of an emergency, when the school doctor instructs so, the parents will be requested to take the child back. Under no circumstances will the child be allowed to leave school without an authority letter from the parents.
  • Students are not allowed to go to a relative/friend’s house from school.
  • No birthday gifts in any form are allowed. Distribution of any gifts/sweets in the school is banned.
  • The school provides all the necessary equipment for sports activity during the games period. Students are not allowed to bring their own balls, bats etc to the school.