• iconbnsinternationalschool945@gmail.com

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturay - 8 Am to 5 Pm


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Our Primary school covers a period of 8 years where in the depth and scope of learning increases gingerly, while opportunities for play and creative expression continue to complement learning.

BNS curriculum of Nursery and Jr KG and SrKg has a child centered and activities based approach. A wide spectrum of training is given to children covering cognitive, reading and writing skills. They are taught through play way method and the process of learning is full of fun.


The priority on the first two years on language with the introduction of second language.

Mathematics’ in practical term and on the environment, encouraging observation and discovery.

In the Middle School Year, self –reliance in learning become an important part of education. Attention is given to the requisite level in each subject by defining standard. Collaborated learning is a regular feature of this stage. As children work together, learn together as well as they are independently learn to set goal and have long term objectives. Upright and responsible behavior is an expression of school culture.

Throughout the curriculum student are presented with the opportunities to research, solve problems, come to their own conclusion and make decision. The knowledge and skills gained during the period of primary and middle equip student with a firm academic foundation to pursue a variety of educational option in future.

Our curriculum is woven around the 4 pillars of Education:

Learning to know
Learning to do
Learning to live together
Learning to be